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Original price $42.90 - Original price $139.90
Original price
$42.90 - $139.90
Current price $42.90
SKU 9340710001593
Size: 2.2KG
Fuelling your puppy’s growth and development, Prime100 ZeroG Chicken, Lentil and Turmeric Dry Puppy Food is the complete, balanced and all-natural dry dog food that puppies love to crunch.

Containing just a single source of protein for a delicious and nutritious recipe that’s packed with meaty flavours, this tasty puppy food contains zero grains and comes loaded with soluble and insoluble fibres to promote easy digestion. A special, gluten-free diet, this puppy food is perfect for puppies who suffer from allergies or sensitivities to gluten protein in wheat or corn-based meals.

GMO-free and low GI, this tasty recipe contains sweet potato and lentils for a steady and sustained release of energy to fuel your puppy’s activity and growth throughout the day, while the added turmeric offers anti-inflammatory properties. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, L-carnitine, and balanced levels of calcium, this delicious dog food is designed to support controlled bone growth, optimal fat metabolism, and overall wellbeing so that your puppy can grow up big, strong, and ready to live life to the fullest.

80% of the protein content is derived from Australian chicken
Grain, wheat, corn, rice and barley-free and packed with fibre for optimal digestive function
Zero gluten for sensitive stomachs and allergies
All-natural food with no use of DNA technology
Turmeric for anti-inflammatory functions
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids for optimal skin and coat health
Balanced calcium for controlled bone development
L-carnitine for fat metabolism and mitochondrial efficiency